22 July 2011

...and the living is easy

Hey hey, anyone still left out there following me (you deserve an award, really you do).  A few things going on in our little world this summer, other than trying not to melt in this god forsaken heat. 

1) I got new hair.

2) Eamon got even cuter.  I didn't think this was possible, but lookit!
He gets cuter by the day, it's ridic.  Note the Packer tee!

3) My parents moved to Texas!  Right in the middle of summer, which also merits some sort of award.  I'm so happy to have them here, and I can't believe it actually happened!  I flew up to Wisconsin last weekend to drive down with them, and it was a fun roadtrip.  The only thing that sucked was that my dad was in a separate car, although we kept him in the loop via phone whenever we saw something that made us laugh.  It was reminiscent of our trips to Arkansas when I was a kid & we used to visit my grandparents every summer.  We played "First to See the Arch" in St. Louis, Auto Bingo, and laughed at all the same road signs.  It's amazing how many things are exactly the same as they were 20+ years ago.  We always found the name of this city in Illinois humorous (don't ask me why, we are just weird), so we stopped & took a pic this time:
We actually tried to go into Glenarm (it was time for a break anyway), but the road to the town was completely closed!  So it remains an oddly-named mystery.  

I hope everyone is having a good summer and staying cool.  I'm ready for fall, but we're making the most of what we can while it's hot:

xoxo E


Cody said...

Nice haircut

Bushman Awaits said...

I knew a guy named Glen once. And... get this... he also had an arm! Small world. xo

Unknown said...

First, I want my award because I am following you. :)

Second, I think your entry about Glenarm is hilarious but I do want to let you know it's a Gaelic word meaning "Valley of the Army". I'm of Scottish ancestry so I'm used to picking up on all things Gaelic. However, in this case the origin is Ireland.

Where's my prize? :) (Just kidding)

Rod Cruz said...

FINALLY!!! I've been waiting for an update. I'm kind of stalking you... and your baby!

p.s. Your husband's pretty damn lucky. ;)

Rod Cruz said...

p.s I'm really curious as to who 'Bushman Awaits' is. Sooo curious.

The Bagboy said...

I'm stalking all three of you. And I have a key!