Someone turned one last week, and I wanted to share a few snaps from his birthday bash! Peter Rabbit was the theme du jour:

clockwise from top left: cake ball "cabbage patch", cupcakes, cupcake wheelbarrow & flower pot sign, finger puppet & cookie favors
We had an amazing turnout, including BFFs Gail & Kenny all the way from Albuquerque, and a fun time was had by all. Eamon did a number on his smash cupcake!
baby's first sugar!
Next it was gifts galore:
sweet guitar
IKEA tunnel
$2 banner I created via our printer & dollar store flowers!
Can you believe what a difference a year makes?!
*le sigh*
Thanks to everyone who celebrated with us, and especially to Grammie for all her help! It was a great party commemorating an even greater year. Love you, sweet boy!